“They” say we begin seeing Angel Numbers when we begin our Spiritual Awakening. Seeing 111 or 11:11 repeatedly is usually the first “sign” you’re tuning into a higher consciousness and vibration.
When I first started seeing 11:11 everywhere many years ago I was literally afraid I might die soon… it was so weird and I didn’t know anything about “Angel Numbers”. Fortunately, a little Google search provided plenty of information to support that this was a “positive” sign from my angels and guides that I was awakening and beginning a new journey.
After nearly a decade with 11:11 I started seeing 333 around the time I got pregnant with my son and several years after. I used to wake up at 3:33 in the middle of the night for months, my hospital delivery room was 333, my son’s birth time was 7:33, and the list goes on. Three’s are about “trusting the process”… good advice for new moms and the whirlwind of life changes that happen thereafter.
Over the last year I’ve been getting the full range from 111 to 888 everywhere, but in the last few months it’s been 444. I’ve decided 444 is my new number, and while I’m leaning toward the “balance and stability” side of 444, apparently it also symbolizes “transformation & significant change.” #canigetabreakplease
I’m curious, what have you heard about Angel Numbers? Which ones do you see?
Angel Numbers: A Message from a Higher Power
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