Every Self-Care Sunday Should Include Selenite

Let there be light! Selenite is like the magic wand that transmutes dense & heavy energy into high-vibrational energy that supports you in becoming magnetic to all that you desire. 

When there are outside influences that threaten to kill your vibe, or you feel weighed down by the daily hustle and grind - a Selenite goes to work for an energetic “deep clean” of your aura.

Selenite cleanses your field of energetic debris, helps to release self sabotaging thoughts, and re-sets your body back to its optimal performance.

Not only does Selenite work wonders on your energy field, it’s also an essential tool for cleansing your crystals! No moon light? No problem! Set your new or frequently used crystals on or near a piece of Selenite to remove any stuck or negative energy from the crystal. 

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